After graduation of Marine College, he moved to “Baltic Shipping Company”, where he worked until 1994 and came there to the position of chief officer. As a ship’s officer he worked on ships of various types, including Lo-Ro and Ro-Ro cargo ships.
During the past 15 years in survey activities, Captain Volkov worked at the requests of many foreign insurance companies, insurance associations and insurance brokers, P & I Clubs and their management companies, insurance brokers and adjusters, as well as for the Russian insurance companies.
- The office of the company is located in St. Petersburg, but the service can be provided not only in Russia, but also in many countries of the world where we have reliable subcontractor survey companies with whom Oleg Volkov had been working the past years.
So, reliable and qualified service will be provided without waste of time and money for travelling.
The form of the survey report is provided by the Client, in the absence of form/ recommendations - at the discretion of our survey company after the agreement with the Client.